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TRaining and speaking

Learn more about educators' workplace psychological wellbeing and what you can do to enhance it.

"Your session was detailed, supportive and helpful for the students and it also helped to enrich and develop the teaching that students received back in September and October.  I hope it is ok to reach out to you later this year and to look to working with you again in the future!”  PGCE Programme Lead.

Employers have a statutory duty (HASAW Act, 1974) to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other people who might be affected by their business. Employers must do whatever is reasonably practicable to achieve this. This means assessing risks and making sure that workers and others are protected from anything that may cause harm, effectively controlling any risks to injury or health that could arise in the workplace.  Employees also have a responsibility to take reasonable care of their own and others’ health and safety (Health and Safety Executive, 2022).  


This doesn’t just apply to physical health and wellbeing but also to mental health and psychological wellbeing.  It is the latter which is at the heart of the training and development activities that I provide as having an understanding of, and a shared vocabulary to discuss risks to psychological wellbeing have been shown to increase the likely effectiveness of mitigatory or remedial measures. I draw on my personal experience as a teacher/school leader, professional conversations and in-depth research to ensure that training is relevant to those working in education settings, be it at whole school, group or individual level.  I have particular expertise in the impact on school staff psychological wellbeing and how it can be supported when educating children and young people experiencing vulnerabilities and/or trauma (see compassionate acting pages) and also how this fits into the broader context of educators' workplace wellbeing (see the psych wellbeing pages).   


Who are training sessions for?


I offer training to support those who would benefit from having a better understanding of educators’ workplace psychological wellbeing.  This includes to:


  • Governors/trustees

  • School leaders and those working in HR

  • Those with specific pastoral care responsibilities, including ECT mentors

  • Whole school staff

  • Universities/ITE providers for both staff and students

  • Researchers

  • Those who are supporting schools, e.g., coaches, consultants

  • All who are interested!


Examples of training themes that I offer include:


  • Understanding the impact of educating those living with vulnerabilities and/or trauma

  • What educators need to know about work-related stress, burnout and compassion stress injury

  • Understanding educators’ workplace psychological wellbeing, including how to increase psychological need satisfaction

  • Identifying workplace wellbeing enhancers and stressors

  • Supporting leaders to have better staff wellbeing conversations – framework introduction

  • Supporting workplace culture

  • Educator care (self-care and what settings can do).


These are only examples, if you have a training need related to something on this website, please get in touch.


Training and development delivery


Delivery options include:


  • Talks – a one-off session of 60 – 90 minutes or a series of sessions that includes a brief introduction, followed by sessions that explore specific elements in more detail

  • Workshops – ½ day or full day involving some information sharing to improve understanding but also includes practical/interactive elements. 

  • Group facilitation – a team or teams are supported to explore specific issues relevant to their context so that they can come up with bespoke practical ways forward to address an area that they want to develop.





Training is bespoke, so prior to booking (unless booking a pre-advertised course), I offer an initial free, no-obligation conversation to understand the organisation's context and priorities so that training/material can be tailored accordingly. Whether the training/event can be delivered virtually or in person will also need to be discussed.  Prices vary according to duration, type of activity/event and location.  Please use the contact form/details below to request a chat.

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